Waterfall Spa & Wellness SZ, the world class wellness club in Inter-Continental Hotel, is located at Oversea Chinese Town SZ. The 10,000 sqm WSW full-range sports, leisure and Spa facilities are prefect for members of all ages. WSW is the ideal place for exercise and relaxation. There are total 12 different style Spa suites, group exercise studio with Pilates Equipment, 42’C Hot Yoga Studio, a modern fitness center fully equipped with “PRECOR” fitness equipment , a Body Management Center and one all-climate Spanish Style swimming pool with sunbathing area providing optimum exercise environment for those who seek supreme quality of life. What’s more, 1 on 1 professional trainers are ready there to serve you personally (privately).
All valued WSW members are entitled to enjoy the sister clubs facilities in HK. Action Waterfall Island features 10,000sqm activity area including indoor heated swimming pool, fitness center, badminton court, garden jogging track, sundeck, BBQ Corner and children playground etc.
Action Waterfall Kowloon located at Olympian City, Kowloon features a 13,000 sqm sports and golf complex. It is undoubtedly a jumbo paradise for enthusiasts about Sports, fitness and golf.
Waterfall Spa & Wellness會所位於深圳華僑城洲際大酒店内,地鐵華僑城出口。面積達一萬三千平方米。為熱愛高級水療服務、追求與世界大師修練瑜珈,對自身體型、體格、體適能有一定要求的會員提供六星級(一流)的服務。經由世界殿堂級大師的手筆,鉤劃出12間不同風格每的60平米水療套間,合共1萬平米的西班牙風情全天候泳池,配置世界頂級PRECOR器材的體適能中心,雕塑完美體形的普拉提工作室和修心養性的瑜珈練功房,均為深圳當地具有不同喜好的頂級階層提供最舒適的環境、最完善的設施及絕無僅有一對一私人教練的專業服務,是放鬆、運動、塑造形體和減壓的理想天堂。
貴為WSW會員,可以同時享有香港Action Waterfall兩家會所的使用權利。港島會所位於太古城,擁有1萬平方米的面積,設施包括室內恒溫游泳池、羽毛球場、健身中心、花園援跑徑、日光浴台,燒烤場地及兒童遊樂設施。九龍會所位於奧海城一期,面積1萬3千平方米,除了專業體適能健身中心以外、還有網球場、羽毛球場、籃球場及52條球道的高爾夫球揮杆練習場等設施,是鬧市中罕有的珍寶級健身場地及高爾夫球樂園。