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浙江太平洋大酒店项目由香港美联投资公司和浙江雷可澳投资公司合作兴建。酒店投资总额逾4.9亿,建筑占地面积2.6万余平方,总建筑面积7万余平方,地下一层,地上二十层,客房353间,并配置大型餐饮、会议、康乐和私密会所等设施,将打造成一家集商务、会议、健身、度假休闲为一体的五星级标准酒店。酒店地处海宁市盐仓之江北路西侧,一号直河南侧,毗邻杭州市下沙大学城高教园区,距杭州地铁1号线出口5公里,乘地铁至杭州市中心武林广场仅需40分钟;距绕城高速下沙出口3.8公里,至萧山国际机场仅需15分钟。同时酒店可拥揽周边18洞72杆的乡村高尔夫俱乐部。酒店共有353余间(套)客房。所有房间都配备智能自动调控的空调和灯光系统,房间可远眺壮观的风景——钱塘江。所有客房装饰采用雅致风格,家具线条简单、明快,房间的灯光空调控制系统采用触摸式智能化面板。床上配备了柔软的羽绒垫、大靠枕和七孔棉枕头,更加增添了床的舒适度。酒店精心为客人免费提供五种药枕,如菊花清热枕、决明子明目枕等。酒店实现了全无线网络覆盖。The project of Zhejiang Pacific Hotel is jointly built by Hong Kong Meilian investment company and Zhejiang leikeao investment company. With a total investment of more than 490 million yuan, the hotel covers an area of more than 26000 square meters and a total construction area of more than 70000 square meters. It has one floor underground, twenty floors above the ground and 353 guest rooms. It is equipped with facilities such as large-scale catering, conference, recreation and private clubs. It will be built into a five-star standard hotel integrating business, conference, fitness, vacation and leisure.The hotel is located on the west side of Jiangbei Road, Yancang, Haining City. No. 1 is directly on the Henan side. It is adjacent to Xiasha University City Higher Education Park, Hangzhou City. It is 5 ^ km from the exit of Hangzhou Metro Line 1, only 40 minutes from the subway to the central Wulin Square of Hangzhou City, 3.8 kilometers from Xiasha exit of the high-speed around the city, and only 15 minutes from Xiaoshan International Airport. At the same time, the hotel can hold a country golf club with 18 holes and 72 poles around it.