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173间宽敞舒适的客房,选用了多个国际知名品牌:55英寸飞利浦液晶电视机、BOSCH德国博世SUNY胶囊感应式咖啡机、科勒时下新款的LITHOCAST LITE灵雅石卫浴系列、英国皇家级B&W音箱、美国高端SEALY丝涟床垫,客房内的微小细节处处彰显高品质的入住体验。烹饪技艺精湛的厨师团队深谙原料搭配与美馔精髓,无论是西餐,中餐还是日式料理,都能满足您挑剔的味蕾!极具时尚动感的R吧,美酒美食加上现场知名DJ带来与众不同的全新感官体验。
关于万豪国际集团万豪国际(纳斯达克股票代码:MAR)集团总部位于美国马里兰州贝塞斯达,在126个国家和地区拥有超过6,400家酒店,包括直接经营酒店、特许经营酒店和授权分时度假酒店,并拥有30个领先的酒店品牌。万豪国际还运营屡获殊荣的客户忠诚计划:包括丽思卡尔顿礼赏(The Ritz-Carlton Rewards?)在内的万豪礼赏(Marriott Rewards?)及SPG俱乐部(Starwood Preferred Guest?)。垂询更多信息,请访问官网www.marriott.com。如需随时掌握万豪国际最新动态,可访问网上新闻中心www.marriottnewscenter.com,或在社交媒体上关注@MarriottIntl。
Renaissance Hangzhou Northeast Hotel will be the first Renaissance hotel in Zhejiang Province. The Hotel is located at the CBD of Linping District with convenient connections to the Economic Development Zone. Approximately 10 minutes away from the Hangzhou Metro Line 9 or the Linping Railway Station with high speed train connection to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station with more than 20 routes per day.The Hotel is designed by the renowned company P49; combining fashion with modern aesthetics and using innovation trends intertwined with classical opera elements as the key characteristics of the interior.
Featuring 173 spacious, modern and comfortable guest rooms, equipped with well-known brands such as PHILIPS LCD 55-inch TV, BOSCH Tassimo ‘Suny’ capsule coffee machines, KOHLER Lithocast Lite bath, B&W speakers, and SEALY mattresses which contribute to offer a high-quality lifestyle experience to guests.
The modern design of restaurant space makes it adaptable to suit any occasion with family, friends or businesses associates. The all-day dining, the Chinese and Japanese restaurants offer a wide variety of local and international cuisines in an innovative yet indigenous way. The signature R Bar is the place to be for a vibrant evening in a trendy atmosphere with live DJ and cocktails.
780sq.m. elegant pillar-less Grand Ballroom and 5 Function Rooms at various sizes are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities.
About Marriott International
Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) is based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, and encompasses a portfolio of more than 6,400 properties in 30 leading hotel brands spanning 126 countries and territories. Marriott operates and franchises hotels and licenses vacation ownership resorts all around the world. The company also operates award-winning loyalty programs: Marriott Rewards?, which includes The Ritz-Carlton Rewards?, and Starwood Preferred Guest?. For more information, please visit our website at www.marriott.com, and for the latest company news, visit www.marriottnewscenter.com. In addition, connect with us on Facebook and @MarriottIntl on Twitter and Instagram.
Marriott International has more than 500,000 people working worldwide and has been consistently recognized as a top employer and for its superior business ethics.
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