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杭州上城英迪格酒店坐落在风光旖旎的西湖景区,本地 风情 与人文魅力兼收 。 南向钱塘江,拥八卦田景群入怀,与南宋官窑博物馆、中国丝绸博物馆、玉皇山为邻。无论是蕴含南宋“四艺“设计灵感,还是再现灯烛朦胧、笙歌绵绵的临安皇城繁华夜市,酒店 136 间客房及套房设计阐述了 时尚与风雅的惊喜碰撞 。 餐饮承袭 南宋食尚美学 ,演绎出丰富多姿的邻间之味。取意宋代三大发明之一活字印刷术的“印” 餐厅,囊括全天候创意融合美馔、当地特色、精致下午茶等美味。晚间,“印”则华丽变身为酒吧,小酌几杯特色鸡尾酒,感受临安不夜城的万种风情。 与繁华为伴,灵感为邻,宋韵摩登生活 在这里展开。
Hotel Indigo Hangzhou Uptown® is located in the picturesque West Lake scenic area, the mesmerizing EightDiagrams Field besides Yuhuang Mountain. Adventurous guests will adore the many nearby cultural attractions, such as Southern Song Dynasty Official Kiln Museum and China National Silk Museum. There are two styles of 136guestrooms, one inspired by tea making, burning incense, arranging flowers and hanging paintings celebrated as the “Four Arts” of Southern Song Dynasty and another inspired by the lights and sounds of the Lin’an Imperial City night market. “ING” our signature restaurant, is inspired by one of the three great inventions of Song Dynasty:movable type printing. A fashionable, trendsetting venue that's "alive" with social life that creative fusion cuisine,appetizing local flavors, exquisite afternoon tea and outstanding delicacies. When the sun goes down, “ING” is transformed into a fashionable bar sure to energize your mood well into the night.