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InterContinental Guangzhou Exhibition Center is InterContinental’s first hotel in Guangzhou, adjacent to the landmark China Import and Export Fair Complex and faces the beautiful Pearl River. It is a top business hotel, featuring pillarless grand ballrooms with a 180-degree view over the river. It has a great number of multi-function rooms, with 350 spacious, elegantly-furnished guestrooms and suites, restaurants, bars, a Spa and Fitness Center. Inspired by the China Maritime Silk Road, the hotel\'s interior design provides insight into the local culture and history and makes the hotel an important part of its guests\' global travel experience. 广州保利洲际酒店坐拥得天独厚的地理优势,毗连中国进出口商品交易会展馆,黄埔古港、琶洲塔和琶醍等景点约10分钟车程。酒店距离广州白云国际机场约45分钟车程,宾客可乘地铁或有轨电车往返珠江新城和广州塔。 酒店的室内设计以中国海上丝绸之路为灵感,设计细节巧妙融合,优雅地呈现历史古港口风貌和羊城风土人情。 酒店拥有350间宽敞的江景或城景客房,4间餐厅和酒吧,其中包括出品上等牛排的恰餐厅、地道粤菜的御公馆中餐厅以及顶楼景观餐厅和酒吧。 酒店设有洲际水疗、健身中心、室内恒温泳池以及可览珠江风景的户外池畔平台。同时拥有多个活动面积不等的会议场地,无柱水晶宴会厅面积达1,800平方米,并配有高科技的全息投影设备,180度透明玻璃景观宴会长廊可览珠江美景。