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创立于1901年的法国巴黎福楼法餐,落户北京的23年以来,不断将法国的美食和餐饮文化带给了京城的老饕们,深受中外食客们认可并且获得包括米其林餐盘在内的诸多殊荣。 如今百年福楼迎来了他在中国的第23个年华。23年,可以使一个孩童长大成才,也可以使树木增长枝桠。福楼法餐厅在北京这片底蕴深厚的土地上,用低调谦虚的姿态执着前行,在二十三年时间里踏踏实实烹饪和创新法式美食。 虽然是拥有着百年传承积淀的品牌,但福楼并未固步自封,除了经典的福楼·美颂和天津福楼外,福楼还在中国创立了福楼·罗蒂、福楼·毕斯罗、福楼·牛牌、福楼·艺面、福楼·陆85、枫丹露原等诸多福楼新概念品牌以满足不同人群的就餐需求。 俗话说民以食为天,对美食的热爱是人的天性,而餐厅的使命就是满足人们的这种天性,福楼未来将一如既往的将最美好的食物提供给每位顾客,也希望人们能够在福楼了解更多法式文化。 截止2015年福楼北京霄云路店、天津店、福楼咖啡芳草地店、福楼咖啡国贸店。2016年福楼在北京继续有新店开业,欢迎有梦想的你加入我们,我们的团队青春、多才、有梦想、颜值高。 Founded in 1901, FLO settled in Beijing 23 years ago. Since then, it has been committed to introducing diners in Beijing to French cuisine and dining culture. The past 23 years have seen a lot of development for FLO in Beijing, and the brand has always moved forward with a down-to-earth attitude and a passion for creating French food that melds innovation and tradition. It may be a brand with more than 100 years of heritage, but FLO has never rested on its laurels. In addition to the iconic FLO Maison in Beijing & Tianjin, FLO has launched a number of other brands, including RÔTI, F.Bistronome, L’OX by FLO,LEO by FLO,Root 85 and La Rosee. It is human nature to love food, and the mission of any restaurant should always be to satisfy this love. In the future, FLO will continue to offer outstanding French cuisine and introduce more diners to French culture through food. |