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- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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???Golden Jaguar Group?????? The well-known restaurant brands “Golden Jaguar Group”to promote the concept of a diversified international cuisinefor the past many years, through constant efforts to expand, now we have 23 large scale restaurants in Chinaand about to open 4 newrestaurantsin 2013, the group plans to complete the target of 50 restaurants till 2015, footprints all over Shanghai, Beijing,Tianjin, Shenyang, Zhengzhou and other domesticcities,we have over 18,000 seats and about 30,000square meters operating area in all of our restaurants,now GJ become a super large restaurant chaingroup with over one billion yuan in annual billing.???????????? 全国知名餐饮品牌—金钱豹(中国)餐饮集团,至2003年进驻上海后,秉持以呈现国际时尚的立体复合式餐饮架构及丰富多元化国际美食理念的推广。历经努力经营及拓展,已在中国上海、北京、天津、沈阳、郑州等各大城市拥有十多家大规模门店。并已成为国内以经营中、西、日等国际多元化料理的领军餐饮品牌。
??????? 在此,我们诚意邀请具备专业能力、责任感、进取心、勇于接受职业挑战的精英人士加入我们的团队。我们将为各位有实之士提供具有竞争力的丰厚待遇以及完善的员工福利。我们坚信,金钱豹(中国)餐饮集团的成功仰赖于出色的人才与团队,金钱豹(中国)餐饮集团是各位施展才华的光辉舞台。