珠海香山迎宾馆美高梅华府酒店背依苍翠凤凰山,面揽清幽香山湖,宛如一座隐于闹市的当代岭南园林府邸。酒店内设 155 间典雅尊尚的客房和别墅,以及三间风格迥异的飨筵空间;宴会空间设有 700平方米无柱宴会厅、户外草坪及多间会议室。酒店山石水庭,移步易景,是一方集文化体验、艺术鉴赏于一体的山水悦境。
Nestled against the lush Phoenix Mountain and facing the serene Xiangshan Lake, MGM RESERVE Zhuhai is a contemporary Lingnanstyle resort hidden in the heart of the city. The hotel offers 155 elegant rooms and villas, as well as three uniquely designed dining spaces. Banquet facilities include a 700-square-meter pillarless ballroom, an outdoor lawn, and several meeting rooms. W With its mountain rocks and water gardens, the hotel provides a serene and uplifting retreat, blending nature, culture, and art.